4 Simple Tips For Growing Wave Petunias


The relatively new petunia variety is the one you have to choose if you want to fill a flower bed or hanging baskets with flowers in an eye-catching pop of color.

The variety has become more and more popular in the last couple of years and this is not without reason. Wave petunias can bloom strong all summer long.

Growing wave petunias is even simpler than growing other varieties of this plant, which makes them ideal for both novice growers and busy gardeners who do not have oceans of time in everyday life.

Wave petunias were developed through the mid-1990s through a hybrid of the normal petunia plant.

Until that time, petunias rarely grew beyond 10 to 12 inches in length and one does not know of anything else.

That changed when the wave petunias were introduced and quickly became an instant sensation.

Learn and get 4 Simple Tips for growing Wave Petunias by reading this article.

How to keep wave petunias growing – 4 simple tips


If you want to keep your wave petunias flowering all summer long, there are four simple keys that can make all the difference and get you to succeed.

1. Sunlight every day

Wave petunias prefer full sun. Although they can grow and tolerate a bit of shade – they will bloom longer during the season if they have the best prerequisites.

Like other varieties, wave petunias need to get at least 8 hours of full sun each day to maximize bloom potential during the season. The plant uses sunlight in the process of photosynthesis and turns sunlight into energy.

Even though the morning and evening sun are good for your wave petunias, make sure your plants are located in an area where they get at least 4-6 hours of mid-day sunlight.

The more sunlight the better for the plants and you will have the pleasure of large, beautiful, colorful plants that continue to bloom all summer.

2. Fertilizing

Besides sunlight, fertilizing is a strong key to keeping your wave petunias blooming into late summer.

No matter how great your garden- or potting soil is, wave petunias do require a constant supply of nutrients to be able to produce flowers and to bloom all summer long.

Even the best soil runs out of nutrients during the growing season, especially when it comes to hanging basket plants or containers. It’s here fertilizer can help and pick up the slack.

Try to use fertilizer every 10 to 14 days to keep your wave petunias blooming strong during the season. Take notice here that it has to be light, meaning not too much and not too little.

Smaller but more frequent doses of fertilizer will help your soil be full of nutrients. To keep wave petunias blooming constantly during the season, they have to be treated slowly and steadily.

If you use too much fertilizer, it will cause excessive growth above and below ground. You can expect tons of foliage, but unfortunately often only a few blooms.

3. Proper watering


Besides sunlight and fertilizer, watering is another important aspect of keeping your wave petunias healthy and blooming during the season.

It can be written as simple as: If you keep your plants hydrated, but not saturated, you will see success.

Wave petunias, especially those planted in containers or hanging baskets, do require frequent water to thrive, be healthy, and survive.

To not getting soggy roots or weak plants by adding too much water to your plants, then try to only water your wave petunias when the moisture level begins to fade.

If you see the petunias’ foliage begin to turn yellow, it’s often a sign that the petunias’ roots most likely are waterlogged, because they have been watered too often.

If you see the petunias’ foliage is dry and curling, it’s often a sign that they are hydrated and healthy.

Try to place one of your fingers down into the soil and into a depth of at least 1 inch. If you still see dirt sticking on your finger, then you can expect moisture is still present, meaning water is not needed at that time.

On the other hand, if you don’t see any dirt on your finger, water is needed and it’s a sign that the plant it’s dehydrated.

4. Wave Petunias needs room to grow

Besides sunlight, fertilizer, and proper watering, wave petunias need space to thrive. When the roots of a wave petunia become root-bound and run out of space, it’s a sign of distress.

However, if potted petunias start to outgrow their containers or hanging baskets during the summer, it’s a great idea to replant those plants into larger containers or more hanging baskets to keep them going.

Use a container that is at least 25 – 30 % larger than the previous one and use a great well-drained potting soil mix of good quality when you have to replant your wave petunias.

By using a larger container the plants will have enough space to finish out the year strong and may give you big colorful blooms until the frost comes.

A final note. If your wave petunias have grown too large to be replanted in a container, don’t throw them out.

Instead, take the plants out of their pots and plant them directly in your flower bed where there is plenty of room to grow.

How to care for Wave Petunias

To care for your wave petunias, don’t let them dry out between watering. It won’t take much of your time to keep your wave petunias healthy and hydrated.

The plants want to grow on a daily basis and to be able to grow they need full sun and well-drained soil. If it’s possible try to water your plants in the morning to keep the soil moist and to keep the foliage dry before the evening.

Wave Petunias need fertilizer every 10-14 days when you first plant them until the middle of summer.

However, Wave petunias are low maintenance which makes them so popular all over the garden.

Unlike other varieties of petunias plants that need to be deadheading and pruned, the faded blooms on wave petunias will drop off the plants on their own when they dry up.

Even though they don’t need to be deadheaded constantly throughout the growing season, they will still continue to grow and be able to bloom during the summer.

How to prune Wave Petunias


Pruning petunias is not necessary, but I recommend you do this if you want a fuller plant and if they become too overgrown.

Start by cutting the leaders back to the desired length, as this will stimulate new growth for your wave petunias and better branching.

Remember to water and fertilize the plants immediately after pruning to encourage healthy new growth for your wave petunias.

Be aware of sterilizing your pruning blades before you cut any leaders back to prevent any damage to your plants.
